Item Title Select a Category Choose …BootsClothingGeneralHatsJacketsPlugins Description Retail Price How much does this item sell for in the store, brand new? View average sale prices in the store to help you set a price. Sale Price How much should it sell for in the store? Note on average you will receive 1/2 half of this amount if the item sells. Size if applicable Colour if applicable What is the State of the Item? Like new (barely used) Gently used Pretty worn Add Up To 4 Images Include pictures with different angles and details. Your images should be at least 300px wide or tall, and no more than 5.1 MB in size. What Is Your Name? What Is Your Phone Number? What Is Your Email? Review the Store Policy on selling items in the our consignment store. Use this form to submit your items to the consignment store. If they are in good shape, clean and generally ready to sell then we will approve the item for the store, and split the proceeds of any sale 50/50. If we do accept your item for the store, we will email you to let you know, and to determine a time for you to drop your item off. If after 6 months in the store, the item has not sold, we may donate the item or let you know to come pick it up. Please indicate your acceptance of the store policy. I accept Add Item